Big Picture Thinking

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I spend a fair bit of time trying to make sense of the world, mostly as it relates to what motivates people to buy things or choose one thing over another. These articles are all featured on The Small Business Marketing Coach website, which is the place I share some of my learning resources and my online learning portal.

Are you being manipulated by fear

What are you doing with the rest of your life?

This is a question that everyone asks themselves at some point. It’s a question that can be surprisingly difficult to answer because the design of our mental circuitry defaults to give us answers based on what we know ...

What I would like to tell high school students or anyone who doesn’t know what the future could look like for them

It’s hard enough for adults to get their heads around the changing nature of our world right now, but I feel strongly about our need to help the next generation think more constructively about what lies ahead.

A better tomorrow

How to get people to do what's good for them

What makes McDonalds and other fast-food chains or restaurants so successful? There’s been a lot of research and publicity around how they design their food to stimulate our ‘feel ...

A better tomorrow

A better tomorrow starts with what we’re telling our kids today

The numbers don’t lie According to a June 2021 article by an Australian Government agency, the Australian Institute of Health & Welfare, our young people aren’t doing too well ….

The value of altruism and circular solutions

The value of altruism and circular solutions in business

Lots of people are starting to talk about the value of altruism. Wikipedia defines altruism as the principle and moral practice of concern for the happiness of other human beings …

Are you being manipulated by fear

Is gender equality an unwinnable game for women or have they just been training for the wrong one?

My father was a chauvinist and my mother was someone whose life had conditioned her to calmly accept what couldn’t be changed…

We werent designed to retire

The Global Village Theory – A model for the future that considers the biological story of our people and planet

People are desperate for something more optimistic to aim for, a version of life with hope for a peaceful and fair future. If enough …

A better tomorrow

Human Nature – An evolutionary success story

My interest in the concept of human nature comes from my work as a small business marketing strategist, copywriter and web designer. I work with business owners to …

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